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In this file, you will find a zipped folder with the project described below.


The Heist

September 2 2018 - September 8 2018

This was a week-long project where we were tasked with actually coming up with our own small game. The game was meant to be simple with the requirements of player movement, a goal shown with UI, and a Win and Lose screen.


This was the first game that I really got to have some freedom with, in terms of theme, mechanics, and setting/storyline. This was a project where we were tasked with creating a game that used the same things from the Pong game such as using UI for a goal, win and lose screen, player movement, etc. But we had to come up with the actual concept of the game itself.


I initially had issues coming up with an idea for the game and in the end came up with a player who was trying to steal a bunch of paintings from a museum and had to avoid the security guards to do so. Of course, being that it was our first playable project, the character was a simple sphere as well as the guards, and the paintings were merely cubes with materials on them. Nonetheless, it was fun and really cool to make and actually see that I made something that could actually be played.


Skills Used

• C#
• Microsoft Visual Studio
• Unity Engine
• Playtesting
• Level Design
• Game Design


Q: What challenges did you overcome?

A: Truthfully, my biggest challenge for this project was coming up with the concept for the game. I couldn't really think of what I wanted to make. I had ideas but most of them were too complicated. And at one point I kind of just hit a brick wall with "designer block" and had no ideas at all. Somehow I managed to come up with a concept for stealing paintings. It was simple still but something I felt was unique and not some game that every one of my classmates might think of.

Q: What challenges did you fail to overcome? How did this affect your project?

A: I didn't really fail to overcome any of the challenges I came across for this project mainly because the biggest challenge really was the idea or concept of the game and once I had that down, it was basically smooth sailing from there on out.

Q: What is something related to the project in terms of progress or productivity that you were extremely pleased with?

A: In terms of progress I was surprised once again I was able to complete this within the given time frame but this time I was scared of that because it took me so long to try to figure out what I wanted to make. The longer it took me to come up with something the more scared I was that I wouldn't be able to make the deadline, so, when I managed to complete it on time I was really happy.

Q: What is something related to the project that you feel could have gone better?

A: I think I could have done better with time management perhaps in terms of balancing life and school. Maybe I should have had been making a backup list of game ideas so that when I was given projects like this I'd have some ideas to look at, whether or not they'd be made or be able to inspire a new idea.

Q: What is something related to the project overall that you feel went well?

A: Truthfully, the game overall went well once I conceptualized it and started making it. I feel the project as a whole went well and knowing I actually came up with the concept on my own and brought it to life was just mindblowing.

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