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In this file you will find a playable version of this project.


Space Simulator

August 2023 - August 2023

This was about a week long project where I was tasked with creating a space simulation in Unity using my newly attained Cinemachine and Timeline skills. This project was my second project in the GameDevHQ program. Initially I was given video tutorials to learn about Cinemachine and Timeline in Unity until I was given the task of creating the simulation using the knowledge I had just gained from the previous course and practice.


This project was simple but had some challenges when it came to specific cameras or trying to keep my camera angles the same throughout the ship being moved. After some trial and error and re-reading the articles I had been writing about Cinemachine and Timeline, I was able to fix the cameras and get the angles to stay consistent throughout the experience.



  • Unity Engine

  • C#

  • Visual Studio

  • Asset Integration

  • Cinemachine

  • Timeline

  • Playtesting

  • Github


  • Audio Mixing



Q: What challenges did you overcome?

A: The challenge I overcame was making sure all my camera shot angles stayed consistent throughout the simulation while moving the ship. I especially was having trouble with my cockpit POV camera trying to make sure that it moved with the direction the ship was moving so that from inside the cockpit you could still tell the direction you were moving the ship.

Q: What is something related to the project in terms of progress or productivity that you were extremely pleased with?

A: When I managed to figure out how to get my cockpit camera to function as I wanted it to I was pleased and after figuring out how to get my cinematic shot angles to stay consistent no matter what the orientation of the ship was. I was also pleased to have completed the project within a week as I did not run into as many obstacles as I thought I might when looking over the criteria for the simulation project.

Q: What is something related to the project overall that you feel went well?

A: Overall, I feel the project as a whole went smoothly. I loved being able to implement my new knowledge of Cinemachine and Timeline in Unity and actually create cut scenes in a game. It started to feel like more of the games I've played in my life. Writing the articles came in handy once again as well as I had them to look back on when having issues with my cinemachine cameras.

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