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See For Yourself

As this was an exclusive Full Sail project it cannot be downloaded for play at this time. 


May 5 2019 - June 2 2019

This was a month-long project where we were tasked with creating a level to add to a game that was already being made. The project was specifically to design a level that incorporated the game and mechanics that had already been created.


The main goal of the project was to keep the player active in the game as well as keeping from having too much empty space. For this project, we began by designing our level on "paper" before prototyping and eventually finalizing the actual level design. We created a level proposal with a layout of what we wanted our level to look like, as well as what items and mechanics we wanted in the level.


For me, this project was fun and insightful in terms of what it would be like to work with a real studio or team. It helped me learn what it would be like to make levels for a game that is already built for the most part and to know how to keep within the boundaries of the creative vision that has already been set.


Level Proposal


Skills Used

  • Unity Engine

  • Perforce

  • C#

  • Microsoft Visual Studio

  • Block-Out

  • Playtest

  • Level Design

  • Game Design Documenting

SCRAPS Pre-Alpha Pitch



Q: What challenges did you overcome?

A: My real challenge with this project was mainly using Perforce. Learning how to use this program, quite honestly, was frustrating and I really didn't care much for Perforce the first few times I had to use it. I just really couldn't understand how to use it. But eventually, after trial and error, tutorials, and the help of classmates, it did grow on me and I got more comfortable with using it.

Q: What challenges did you fail to overcome? How did this affect your project?

A:I wouldn't say I failed to overcome any challenges but the challenges with learning perforce did affect my project at times in terms of me being frustrated and needing to walk away to take a break which is time I could've used to perhaps better the level a little bit rather than being so frustrated, granted it was my very first time ever using Perforce.

Q: What could you have done to avoid these issues?

A: If I had the extra time and had taken that extra time to look at some more videos and tutorials on Perforce it might've been easier for me to use it so that it didn't frustrate me so much throughout the project, but eventually I did learn more through my professors and classmates.

Q: What are you planning to do in the future to avoid issues similar to these?

A: I have used Perforce so much at this point that I don't really have any issues with using it aside from the merge tool for scripts, I still don't get that at all. I tried it once, both my classmates and I couldn't understand it and hated it, and from there on just always made sure only one of us ever had a script checked out so we never had to deal with using it again.

Q: What is something related to the project in terms of progress or productivity that you were extremely pleased with?

A: This is another project where I just felt really accomplished with everything I was able to get done. Granted this was a month-long project so there was plenty of time, but these were also mechanics that were a little more complicated than what I had done scripting-wise in my previous projects. And on top of that, this was more script-heavy in general.

Q: What is something related to the project that you feel could have gone better?

A: Initially I felt like I could have done better with the look, but once I had realized it was really meant to be a prototype level and that it didn't require polished materials, I let that thought go, but there was some spacing and general look of the level, that I feel I could've done a little better on.

Q: What is something related to the project overall that you feel went well?

A: Overall, I was unbelievably happy with the level I managed to make and that it worked entirely. I didn't really have any issues when it came down to the final version of the level. My mechanics worked, there were no glitches or level-breaking bugs and that made me the happiest of all.

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