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See For Yourself

In this file you will find a playable version of this project for Oculus headsets

Video Walkthrough

If you do not have an Oculus VR headset this video walkthrough will take you through the Pentathalon


August 2023 - December 2023

This was my introductory project for getting into VR development where I was tasked with using a given scene and some scripts to create a pentathalon event to run in VR. This was my third project in my GameDevHQ program. I was eager to begin learning new skills and to learn to develop in VR as it's a huge passion of mine to create games in VR.​


Since this was an introductory project I was given tutorials to follow as well as a pre-made scene with some pre-made scripts to use while also using assets from the XR Interaction Toolkit provided by Unity. Though the project came with these given assets it did come with challenges in terms of debugging and trying to find just the right places to put certain attach points and things like that to make it feel as natural as possible. For learning VR development for the first time this project made it easy and so fun even allowing me to take my own actions with things in the escape room area such as more than one hat and more than one food item. This project was so fun and made me that much more eager to learn about VR development.


  • Unity Engine

  • Asset Integration

  • Playtesting

  • Github

  • XR Interaction Toolkit



Q: What challenges did you overcome?

A: A challenge I overcame was the rocket launcher in my shooting range area. The projectile was constantly facing the wrong way and the methods I tried for changing its direction always ended up with it either going the right direction but rotated the wrong way, or shooting the wrong direction but rotated the correct way. After more time than I'd like to admit and one google search about how to change the forward of my projectile in Unity, I realized I could parent it to something else and instantiate the parent object and therefore have it shooting the correct direction while also being rotated properly.


Q: What is something related to the project in terms of progress or productivity that you were extremely pleased with?

A: I was very happy when I was finally able to solve the issue with my rocket launcher projectile. I was also happy to have fixed the issue with the physics of my food in my escape room area as I took it upon myself to add a buffet of different fruits rather than only one food item and trying to get them to work well with the grab interactable while still feeling natural took a little bit but I was finally able to figure out the issue and get it resolved.


Q: What is something related to the project overall that you feel went well?

A: In general I feel the entire project went well as I was really able to just focus on learning about the different interactables and interactors for VR instead of worrying about coding anything on top of that. Though I was following tutorials I was still able to take the reigns and add in my own things such as the buffet instead of one fruit and the wardrobe of crowns instead of one. I was able to confidently use my knowledge to complete the challenges given such as adding a pocket and adding a socket to my head for the crowns.

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