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See For Yourself

In this file you will find a playable version of this project.

Showing Shield Strength Through Color Change.png

Galaxy Shooter

May 2023 - June 2023

This was a month-long project where I was tasked with creating a 2.5D Space Shooter game in Unity. This project was my first project in the GameDevHQ program. Initially I was given video tutorials to get started and then throughout parts 3 and 4 of the game I was given requirements to implement myself.


This project was simple but definitely had some trial and error as well as some needed research to implement things the way I wanted to. Though this project was only a month long, I feel proud of my final result and published version. This game has also been published to my page and it my first officially published project.


Coming up with the mechanics felt natural for me, but implementing a lot of them was it's own league. I was able to learn new things along the way of working through this project however and it has helped me think of more efficient ways to approach future projects. Feel free to look through this page for some information about the skills I used and some pictures and gifs of gameplay. I also wrote plenty of Medium articles while working on this project so feel free to check them out.

Skills Used

  • Unity Engine

  • Microsoft Visual Studio

  • C#

  • Play Testing




Q: What challenges did you overcome?

A: The challenge I overcame was implementing each mechanic I wanted to use for my different enemies. A couple of the different enemy types gave me a fight, but in the end I was able to implement everything I thought of.

Q: What is something related to the project in terms of progress or productivity that you were extremely pleased with?

A: The project showed me new ways to do some things more efficiently for future projects as well as taught me new things I hadn't known about before. It was nice to do something simple and quick while still learning new information and techniques to create it.

Q: What is something related to the project overall that you feel went well?

A: Overall, I feel the project as a whole went swimmingly. I loved being able to test my game every step of the way and actually watch it come together one feature at a time. Writing the articles while creating the project also helped me to keep track of something if I forgot how I previously did it. They'll definitely come in handy in my future project I believe.

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