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See For Yourself

In this file you will find a zipped folder with the playable final build for the game below

Final Paradise

Here you will see the Feature List and Build Notes as well as various videos made by myself and my teammates for Final Paradise throughout the time of its creation.


Final Paradise

October 25 2020 - March 28 2021

This was a five month long project where I worked with a team of classmates to create an entire game from scratch.

Final Paradise - Video Demonstration 1

Created by Terrell Terry

Final Paradise - Milestone 2

Created by Terrell Terry

This is titled Milestone 2 for a previous class, as the next video is titled Milestone 1 as it was for the start of a different class for the same project.

Final Paradise - Milestone 1

Created by Terrell Terry

Final Paradise - Milestone 2

Created by Terrell Terry

This is labeled Milestone 2 for a different class than the previous video labeled Milestone 2

Final Paradise - Feature List

Created by Unreal Unity

This is the Feature List that was created and edited throughout the time of the creation for Final Paradise, previously titled as Project BOI as you will see in the Feature List

Final Paradise - Playthrough Video - Week 2

Created by Terrell Terry

Final Paradise - Playthrough Video - Week 2

Created by Samantha Gittemeier

Final Paradise - Playthrough Video - Week 3

Created by Terrell Terry

Final Paradise - Playthrough Video - Week 3

Created by Samantha Gittemeier

Final Paradise - Postmortem

Created by Terrell Terry

Final Paradise - Build Notes

Created by Unreal Unity

This is the Build Notes for Project BOI later named Final Paradise, created and edited throughout the process of creating it.

Final Paradise - Trailer

Created by Terrell Terry


Skills Used

  • Unity Engine

  • Microsoft Visual Studio

  • C#

  • Block-Out

  • Level Design

  • Game Design

  • Playtesting

  • Perforce

  • Game Design Documenting



Q: What challenges did you overcome?

A: For this project myself and my team had quite a few challenges in terms of mechanics, schedules, personal issues that got in the way of turn-ins or meetings. It was a long project with many stepping stones but we managed to find a way through and solve any issues we came across. Thankfully I had an amazing team of classmates to work with and we meshed together really well and could usually problem solve efficiently and quickly. One of the bigger challenges we usually came across were coding issues from the many different mechanics we were attempting to implement. But we could usually put our minds together and figure out how to do it or google something and do more research to find what we needed to get the mechanics to work.

Q: What challenges did you fail to overcome? How did this affect your project?

A: In the end, I feel the only challenge we failed to overcome was not being able to get the game to be quite as polished as we would have liked it to have been but we made sure to prioritize the mechanics and coding over the looks.

Q: What could you have done to avoid these issues?

A: Truthfully, I'm not sure there was much we could have done to avoid the issue of the overall polish of the game. If we managed to solve the coding issues quicker, we would have had more time to polish it up more and make it look more like what we had envisioned, but for what we were able to accomplish, I am very proud of my team and I for managing what we did.

Q: What are you planning to do in the future to avoid issues similar to these?

A: Now that I have more knowledge for a variety of more mechanics, in the future it should require me to do less research and be able to focus a little more on polishing the game.

Q: What is something related to the project in terms of progress or productivity that you were extremely pleased with?

A: Overall the game in general is something I am very proud of. My team and I managed to create this game out of nothing and managed to fix the issues within the team majority of the time. We could be one another's resource to fix problems or put our heads together to research different parts of the mechanics to try to figure it out.

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