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See For Yourself

In this file you will find a zipped folder with the project described below

Instructions: This is Fat Cat. Fat Cat is not very fat yet, but he needs to be, because he will be so much cuter when he is! Your goal is to feed the cat and make him a fat cat! Your goal is to reach 15 pounds. He will be a very fat cat! But he will need to be bathed and put to bed every day after every 5 pounds gained. Feed him wet food, dry food, and special treats to reach your goal. But don't feed him the same thing three times in a day, he will get sick of it and run away.




D - Dry Food

W - Wet Food

A - Special Treat



S - Shower

W - Wash

S - Rinse

B - Put In Bed



F - Send Fat Cat To Be Fed

Feed The Fat Cat

September 9 2018 - September 19 2018

This was a week-long project where I was tasked with creating a 2D game. The game was supposed to have a Main Menu, Instructions screen, Win and Lose scene, Music, Multiple Levels, etc. It had to use colliders and triggers as well as a scoring mechanic.


At first, as usual, I had no idea what to do. However, just before this project was assigned, my family and I had adopted three new kittens, one of whom we named Tiger, but he, later on, became Fat Cat because he got so big so quickly. By the time this assignment had come around, we had them for a couple of weeks if not just about a month, and he had already grown to be 15 pounds. When we got the kittens they were only 6 to 8 weeks old as we couldn't adopt them any younger than that.


So with our newfound furry family members, and my slight obsession with Fat Cat, in particular, I decided to put this love to good use and make a game about feeding him to make him fat. It was probably really really silly but at the time I didn't mind that it was silly or cliche. I made the game so that you fed him 5 treats a day to make him gain 5 pounds in a day, as well as bathing him, and sending him to bed to trigger the new day. However, if you fed him 3 of the same treat on the same day then you'd lose because he'd get sick of the treat and run away. Silly and simple, but, it was fun to make and honestly, still fun to play.


Skills Used

  • Unity Engine

  • Microsoft Visual Studio

  • C#

  • Play Testing



Q: What challenges did you overcome?

A: As usual, my initial and main challenge was the conception of the idea/game. However, this time that challenge didn't take too long. Other than that, it was a little challenging figuring out how to make the game 2D but with a trigger/collision that was 3D without messing up the look of the game. In the end, it took a lot of tweaking with the cube and the image, of course in hindsight I have a much simpler solution I know now that I could've used back then.

Q: What is something related to the project in terms of progress or productivity that you were extremely pleased with?

A: I was actually really pleased with the number of things I was able to execute within the one-week time period I had to complete the assignment. The different levels weren't too bad, but the materials for each level and the particle effects for the bathing level were something that initially had me a little scared if I'm being honest. But I was really glad to have been able to figure it out and get it done.

Q: What is something related to the project that you feel could have gone better?

A: I feel like had I had the experience I have now, it would've been better visually and mechanically, of course, that's knowledge I didn't have just yet back then, so it wasn't that it could've gone better more than something I could improve now if I chose to do so.

Q: What is something related to the project overall that you feel went well?

A: Overall, I was really happy with the project, and though the idea was kind of cheesy and cliche, it was fun to make and still fun to play. It might've been the stereotypical girly game I guess in a sense, or at least that was the anxiety I had about coming up with the idea, but it came out great and it was just fun to see it come to life and see how many more things I had already learned and could accomplish within just a few projects.

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