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Classic Pong

August 26 2018 - September 4 2018

This was a week-long project where we were tasked with trying to replicate the classic game Pong. I used the Unity engine to script and create the game. This was my first official game of any kind.


Though this was meant to replicate a game that already existed, it was my first real project that was playable as a game. Whereas the winter scene was really just a scene where you could look around it. This was my first project really using more heavy scripting and UI elements. Figuring out how to create and trigger a win and lose scene, how to give the player a goal that triggered said scenes, etc. It was so cool to see something I made, become playable. It didn't matter that the game itself was already made, it was cool in itself that I was able to replicate something, that to me before, was so complicated.


Though this was not a game idea I made up on my own whatsoever, it was fun to make and the walk-through really helped me in terms of understanding how to code/script a game and using UI and Unity. This was my first real introduction to making a playable game and the walk-through walked me through making the game and walked me into the passion of my life.


Skills Used

  • C#

  • Microsoft Visual Studio

  • Unity Engine

  • Playtesting


Q: What challenges did you overcome?

A: There were not many challenges with this due to it really being a replication assignment we were kind of given a walk-through in terms of creating the game. Granted I did feel a little nervous about using the UI.

Q: What is something related to the project in terms of progress or productivity that you were extremely pleased with?

A: Honestly, initially I was a little worried as to how I was going to be able to create the game in a week. Granted it was simple and we had a full walk-through in terms of how to create it but I guess I was always worried something was going to go wrong or crash and that there'd be an issue given the history of the prior project.

Q: What is something related to the project that you feel could have gone better?

A: I don't know that I feel anything could have gone better than it did. There was nothing I had to do out of the ordinary or come up with myself really that would've caused any potential problems.

Q: What is something related to the project overall that you feel went well?

A: In the end, I was really satisfied with the game. Though it was simple and really just a replication, it was my first official project that was playable as a game. I really just cared that it would work and was playable. I figured if I couldn't get it to work and run when I was given a full walk-through for what to do, then maybe I was in the wrong field. But luckily and thankfully it ran smoothly.

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