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In this file you will find a playable version of this project for Oculus headsets


Boiler Escape Room VR

December 2023 - January 2024

This was my first VR project after my introductory course. I was given a pre-made boiler room scene with 2 pre-made scripts and then given a list of mechanics each with their own requirements including Locks & Chains, Clues, etc. This took me about two months overall and was really fun. I have been so eager to really get into making things in VR and this was so hard not to overdo it. I had to keep myself from adding unneeded/unnecessary to the requirements because I was just having so much fun with it.


As stated, this was my first VR project after the tutorial Pentathalon project and I was given a pre-made scene that came with 2 pre-made scripts for a custom mechanic that used Socket Interactors. Other than that, the escape route was mine to come up with and how I wanted to implement the given required mechanics. Initially thinking about how to do it got overwhelming by looking at the scene and the required mechanics I needed to implement. However, when I took a step back and reminded myself that everything was not permanent, things could be moved, duplicated, modified, deleted, etc., I was able to start thinking of what I wanted to use rather than what I had to, and the rest was able to come naturally. I had so much fun making this and hope you love playing it!



  • Unity Engine

  • Asset Integration

  • Playtesting

  • Github

  • XR Interaction Toolkit



Q: What challenges did you overcome?

A: A challenge I was able to overcome was an issue I was having with the clues. I wanted them to appear when my player was looking at them using a Gaze Interactor and then for them to disappear when the player was no longer looking at it. In the end I was missing one component and was able to get it figured out and working. Another challenge I overcame was with the levers and switches that were included in the scene. They wouldn't seem to work no matter what I and my coach were trying to do and in the end we figured out we could use the switches and levers from the XR Interaction Toolkit in the samples and change it to use the other visuals we wanted instead. By doing this, I was able to get my levers working and later used the same solution to get my switches working! 


Q: What is something related to the project in terms of progress or productivity that you were extremely pleased with?

A: The best part for me was getting the levers and switches to work as I was stuck on it for so long and couldn't seem to get it to work. However, I was also happy about an idea I came up with to allow my player to switch between using snap turning and continuous turning. I was able to use the button sample from the XR Interaction Toolkit and added it to my player hands like a watch of sorts and the player could press/grab the button to switch between the turning methods.


Q: What is something related to the project overall that you feel went well?

A: In general I feel the project went very well and I really had so much fun with it and would've loved to add much more interactivity if it wouldn't have added so much extra time. This really helped motivate me with my own VR game ideas I want to create and publish as well as helped me learn more methods to use when I create those games as I'll have already done some trial and error for such things!

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